Dear mr Inman.
Since you left time has been mesured in bitter chapters
Last fall my poor father died.
Our farm Black Cove is abandond.
Every house in these mountains is touched by tragedy
Each day they dread,
how has fallen, who has not
who will not return from this terrible war...
And no word from you...
Are you alive?
I pray to God you are.
This war is lost on the battlefield and is being lost twice over
by those who stay behind.
I'm still waiting, as I promised I would.
But I find myself alone and at the end of my wits.
To embaressed to keep taking from these who can least afford it.
My last thread of courage now is to put my faith in you.
And to beileve I will see you again.
So now I say to you, plain as I can:
If you are fighting, stop fighting.
If you are marching, stop marching.
Come back to me!
Come back to me, is my request.
Är inte det kärlek så säg?
Jag blir så varm och mysig inombords^^
Alla borde se filmen "Åter till Cold Mountain" -
för jag tycker att dess skildring av kärlek som aldrig dör
är så fin och beundransvärd. . .

Since you left time has been mesured in bitter chapters
Last fall my poor father died.
Our farm Black Cove is abandond.
Every house in these mountains is touched by tragedy
Each day they dread,
how has fallen, who has not
who will not return from this terrible war...
And no word from you...
Are you alive?
I pray to God you are.
This war is lost on the battlefield and is being lost twice over
by those who stay behind.
I'm still waiting, as I promised I would.
But I find myself alone and at the end of my wits.
To embaressed to keep taking from these who can least afford it.
My last thread of courage now is to put my faith in you.
And to beileve I will see you again.
So now I say to you, plain as I can:
If you are fighting, stop fighting.
If you are marching, stop marching.
Come back to me!
Come back to me, is my request.
Är inte det kärlek så säg?
Jag blir så varm och mysig inombords^^
Alla borde se filmen "Åter till Cold Mountain" -
för jag tycker att dess skildring av kärlek som aldrig dör
är så fin och beundransvärd. . .

Postat av: Hanna
hallå där sis. Du får inte prata om att dö, det kan jag bara inte tåla. LOVA att du inte dör!